11th Brown Bag Meeting by the department of Interaction Science
subject |
A New Way of Understanding and Designing Interactivity with Interactivity Attributes |
date |
2010-10-01 ~ 2010-10-01 (PM16:00 ~ 17:50) |
location |
90110 International Hall, SKKU, Seoul |
participant |
* Speaker: Youn-kyung Lim, Ph.D. / Dept. of Industrial Design, KAIST
* Language: English
* Co-hosted by The department of Interaction Science and Intelligent HCI Convergence Research Center |
summary |
Interactivity is one of the most critical characteristics of defining an interactive artifact, which cannot be experienced until a user actually uses the artifact. Traditionally in HCI, interactivity has primarily been viewed as something that is cognitively processed and exchanged between people and those artifacts. Unlike this traditional perspective, there has recently been a new view of interactivity proposed which views interactivity as invisible and dynamic material that can be shaped and formed, as we shape and form physical materials such as clay and wood. The presenter of this talk has developed new interaction design methodology to support this recent movement which fits much better to the nature of design practice. In this talk, she will introduce the concept of interactivity attributes with which interaction designers and researchers can create, manipulate, feel, and evaluate the shape-like quality of interactivity. She will also introduce how this concept has been further developed to be utilized for actual interaction design practice as a tutorial and a prototyping tool system, which is designed to enable interaction designers and developers to tangibly and creatively explore and manifest invisible and dynamic qualities of interactivity of an interactive device, without being tied in any specific forms of interfaces such as graphical user interfaces, tangible user interfaces, touch interfaces, and gestural interfaces.