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2019 Spring Guide to Course Registration for Graduate School
 작성자 : 관리자
Date : 2019-01-30  |  Hit : 2,094  
   _Att-1__Course_Registration_User_Manual_for_GraduateStudents_-_Web1.pdf (522.1K) [17]
   _Att-2__Course_Registration_User_Manual_for_GraduateStudents_-_Mobile1.pdf (190.1K) [5]
   _Att-3__How_to_register_for_Sungkyunin1.pdf (340.7K) [6]

2019 Spring Guide to Course Registration for Graduate School


Please take note of the following information regarding course registration procedures and schedule for the graduate school in 2019 Spring.


1. Course Registration Schedule in 2019 Spring 1

Course Registration and ‘Add&Drop’ Schedule

Date and Time

Course Registration

(before the semester begins)

All Graduate School

2.13(Wed)~2.21(Thu)/ 10:00~23:00

Not Available

Every Saturday, Sunday

Course Add&Drop

(after the semester begins)

Available to Add&Drop

3.4(Mon) 08:00~3.6(Weds) 16:59

Not Available

3.6(Weds) 17:00~3.7(Thurs) 07:59

Available to Add&Drop

3.7(Thurs) 08:00~3.8(Fri) 22:59

Not Available

3.8(Fri) 23:00~3.12(Tues) 07:59

Available to Add&Drop

3.12(Tue) 08:00~3.13(Wed) 11:59(before noon)

※ The graduate school starts the course registration one day earlier compared to the undergraduate school.

※ The registration and deletion of courses are only available from 10:00 to 23:00 during the course registration period (2. 13 ~ 2. 21)

※ Once the semester begins, the course ‘Add&Drop’ period lasts until Wednesday of the second week of the semester.

Students can change of the course(add or delete) 24 hours during Course Add&Drop period. (except "Not Available" day and March 13)


2. Available Courses: Check through GLS System- Crouse Area(수업영역)- Electronic Timetable (전자시간표) (Available from 1. 14 onwards)

※ Courses will be further updated. Please check it regularly for any changes made to the time or the classroom number.

3. Changes made to the Course Registration Policy

1) For combined and Ph.D degree students, can register for additional 3 credits in any semester that you would like to take.

2) The updated system will be given to prevent courses being traded.

3)The reinforced guidance will be given to lecturer regarding how to deal with the requests for augment T/O(courses limit).

4)The number of the course waiting list is enlarged.

4. Procedures to request for increase in the student capacity per course

[Before the semester begins]

Waiting number given

Write your reasons for taking the course at GLS-Book Bag(책가방-수강희망사유)

The professor check the reason and decide to augmentation of course limit

Automatically course register in the waiting list.

(students accepted in order of registration only if the number of students exceeds the last waiting number that registered the same course)

[After the semester begins]

Write your reasons for taking the course at GLS-Book Bag(책가방-수강희망사유)

The professor check the reason and decide to augmentation of course limit

Course registration works totally based on the order of registration

What is Waiting List Policy?

   Fixed ratio of total capacity is on stand-by

   If a student deletes a course or the lecturer decides to increase the capacity, the registration is confirmed in the order of waiting number.

   If you do not have a waiting number, you cannot write the reasons behind taking the course that you want.

   Note that once the semester begins, you can only write the reasons for the courses that are still in your Book Bag.

   Once the semester begins, the waiting number is no longer valid. It will work in the order of registration.

   The waiting number will be given only within the limit of the total number of credits available to take for the corresponding semester.

5. Procedure of course registration for freshman (Guide to join “SKKU” homepage)

 ① After completing university registration, Create your Kingo ID at SKKU Homepage ( under Kingo ID Login.

     ※ Refer to the attachment.

     ※ If there is any inquiry regarding the account, please contact 031-299-6119.

 ② After creating your Kingo ID, log in the homepage and click GLS.

 ③ Select “Crouse Area(수업영역)” in the right part of “GLS”

 ④ Searching for courses in “Syllabus(수업계획서)” and “Electronic Timetable(전자시간표)”.

 ⑤ Through Link in “Registration courses for graduate school” or click “” access to the system of course-registration.

 ⑥ Lon in your student ID number and Kingo password.

 ⑦ Select the grade and semester of course registration.

 ⑧ Make the course registration.

    ※ Check your student number from GLS under [학적/개인영역]-[학적/신상정보]-[학적정보조회].

    ※ Information regarding general requirement courses and credits will be notified on the orientation at 3. 5. (Tue).