성균관대학교 인터랙션사이언스학과 / Sungkyunkwan University Interaction Science
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한진영 Associate Professor

Data Science, Machine Learning,Artificial Intelligence

인터랙션사이언스학과 겸직
2013 서울대학교 컴퓨터공학부 박사
2007 KAIST 전산학부 학사

2019-현재 성균관대학교 부교수
2017-2019 한양대학교 조교수
2014-2017 UC Davis 박사후 연구원
2013-2014 서울대학교 박사후 연구원
2003-2005 소프트맥스 엔지니어
•Multimodal Post Attentive Profiling for Influencer Marketing
Seungbae Kim, Jyun-Yu Jiang, Masaki Nakada, Jinyoung Han*, and Wei Wang
The WEB Conference (formerly WWW), April 2020.

•Rumor Propagation is Amplified by Echo Chambers in Social Media
Daejin Choi, Selin Chun, Hyunchul Oh, Jinyoung Han*, and Ted “Taekyoung” Kwon
Scientific Reports 10, 310 (2020), January 2020.

•Predicting Content Consumption from Content-to-Content Relationships
Jinyoung Han, Daejin Choi, Taejoong Chung, Chen-Nee Chuah, Hyun-chul Kim, and Ted "Taekyoung" Kwon
Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 132, pp. 1-9, April 2019.

•Creation of a Robust Machine Learning Classifier for Patient Ventilator Asynchrony
Gregory Rehm, Jinyoung Han, Brooks Kuhn, Jean-Pierre Delplanque, Nicholas Anderson, Chen-Nee Chuah, Jason Adams
Methods of Information in Medicine, Vol. 57, Issue 4. pp. 208-219, September 2018.

•Privacy Leakage in Event-based Social Networks: A Meetup Case Study
Taejoong Chung, Jinyoung Han*, Daejin Choi, Taekyoung Kwon, Jong-Youn Rha, and Hyunchul Kim
ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW), Jersey City, USA, November 2018. (acceptance ratio = 105/384 = 27.3%)
Also published in Proceedings of the ACM on Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Vol. 1, Issue 2, Article 35, November 2017.

•An Energy-efficient and Lightweight Indoor Localization System for Internet-of-things (IoT) Environments
MyeongCheol Kwak, Youngmong Park, Junyoung Kim, Jinyoung Han*, Taekyoung Kwon
ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp), Singapore, October 2018.
Also published in Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), Vol. 2, Issue 1, Article No. 17, March 2018.

•Bit.ly/practice: Uncovering Content Publishing and Sharing through URL Shortening Services
Daejin Choi, Jinyoung Han*, Selin Chun, Efstratios Rappos, Stephan Robert, and Ted "Taekyoung" Kwon
Elsevier Telematics and Informatics, Vol. 35, Issue 5, pp. 1310-1323, August 2018.

•Unveiling a Socio-Economic System in a Virtual World: A Case Study of an MMORPG
Selin Chun, Daejin Choi, Jinyoung Han*, Huy Kang Kim, and Taekyoung Kwon
International World Wide Web Conference (WWW), Ryon, France, April 2018.

•Who Will Share My Image? Predicting the Content Diffusion Path in Online Social Networks
Wenjian Hu, Krishna Kumar Singh, Fanyi Xiao, Jinyoung Han, Chen-Nee Chuah, and Yong Jae Lee
ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM), Los Angeles, CA, USA, February 2018. (acceptance ratio = 84/514 = 16.3%)
Data Science, Machine Learning, Networks, Computational Social Science, Artificial Intelligence


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